Handmade house based on the story of Little Red Riding Hood created from plastic, wood, clay, moss, and painted Handmade house made from cardboard, wood, plastic, foam and painted White model of a bedroom concept from the movie Beautiful creatures White model of a bedroom concept from the movie Beautiful creatures Handmade New York City building concept based on a scene from the play Spiderman. Made from wood, foam, 3D printing, plastic and painted Break away coffee table made from foam, glue and painted Headpiece inspired by the hair from the Victorian Era made from paper Bedroom made from textured tape, cloth, wood, miniature pieces, and painted Tree house design made from glue and pasta Mask made from plaster, paper, fabric, and painted Sandcastle made from styrofoam, floral foam, and textured spray paint Monster made from clay and painted School gym concept based off of the story Carrie. Made with textured tape, cloth, wood, string, foam, and painted. Lit by string lights